Policies & Issues
"You are only as free as your most oppressed member of society. If your neighbor is not free, neither are you. Those who are the oppressors of your neighbor, given time or motivation, will eventually come for your rights as well. If we do not stand up for the rights of our neighbors, even the ones we disagree with, there won't be anyone remaining who will be able to stand with you as you attempt to defend your own rights."
Rebecca Schmoe
Policy or Issue | Quote by Rebecca Schmoe |
Abortion | "I am unapologetically pro-life. As human beings, and as outlined within the US Constitution, our rights are inherent and unalienable; that means that we have these rights simply because we exist and these rights cannot be separated from us while we yet live. Therefore, if something is human (humans cannot be pregnant with anything other than another human) and it is alive (it exists in any and every stage of human growth and development) the developing human has the inherent, inalienable, constitutionally protected right to life. There inevitably will, due to severe medical circumstances or violent criminal actions, be circumstances in which the life and mental wellbeing of the mother should be taken into consideration before the child reaches a developmental stage of which that developing child, who is a separate human life from the mother, is sustainable outside of the mother's womb. These instances should be the exception to the rule and determined on a case by case basis between the pregnant woman, her team of medical professionals, which shall include a second opinion from an unaffiliate medical professional, and whomever the pregnant woman chooses to include in her private, legally protected, medical care decisions and health history. Elective abortions not based upon the above noted exceptions to the rule shall be ceased immediately per the constitutionally protected developing human child's right to life . All taxpayer funding shall be immediately and perpetually removed and revoked for all medically (both, physical and mental) unnecessary, elective, abortions including clinics, hospitals, and medical professionals; as taxpayers should not be burdened with compensating payment for unnecessary medical procedures which devalue the sanctity of life and terminate a living human's inherent and unalienable right to life." |
Second Amendment | A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. "Meaning a fully equipped, well maintenanced, armed citizenry is imperative to maintaining the balance of freedom, it is the people's right to own and carry the most efficient and effective tools of defense available today, and this right is not subject to opinion, whether that be popular opinion or the opinion of a government or individual which seeks to limit or oppress any human's right to defend its own life or the lives of others." |
Role of Govenrment | "The US Constitution outlines the role and the strict limitations of the Federal Government. As such, the Federal Government has two main responsibilities; protect the rights of the individual and coordinate the defense of the nation. The state government is tasked with all issues, policies, procedural practices and limitations which are not specifically outlined within the US Constitution. Your elected officials are not your leaders, they are your neighbors, whom you have entrusted to represent your voice and values in your stead whether at the local, state, or federal level. It is the responsibility of the people to make their voices and values known to their representatives in every elected governmental position. It is the responsibility of those elected to represent the people to weigh the peoples opinions against whether the issue is inline with both the US and State Constitution as they petition the State on behalf of their constituents. In our Constitutional Republic, the People have the ultimate authority, this includes elected government representatives as individuals, not as a collective.” |
Government Transparency and Accountability | "Transparency and accountability is not only recommended but required to maintain liberty for all. Open and honest communication between elected government representatives and the constituents they serve is vital to maintaining the protection of individual rights as well as ensuring the prosperity and progress of the community. This is done through citizen engagement. My goal is to host both town hall style information sharing meetings in order to disseminate general information and timely updates regarding what is taking place at the Statehouse in Topeka, as well as hosting specific forums to discuss proposed bills and gather information from the specifically impacted community members; including but not limited to, small business owners, childcare workers, farmers, corporations (including our local distribution centers), banks, school districts, parents of school age children, mental health facility staff members and patient advocates, veterans, transportation workers, non-profit organizations, city and county employees, etc... In doing so, my hope is for House District 59 to become the most engaged and informed citizenry in the state of Kansas. The more our community is involved with the decisions being made on their behalf in Topeka, the more we can protect the rights of the individual while undertaking the responsibility which accompany our rights.” |